2018...Great Start to new year. January/February 2018
I found more of these Blunt Head Tree Snakes(Imantodes cenchoa) on this trip than any other species. The onset of the dry season usually signifies that snakes are more difficult to find. The beginning of 2018 seemed to be an exception for us. We were in the Southern Zone of Costa Rica from January 4, until February 19. I walked the forest numerous times during the day placing the checking on and servicing the Camera Traps. I also would spend 2-3 hours a night slowly walking trails near the house, observing what I could. Below is a breakdown of the snakes encountered. Vine snake(Oxybelis aenus) Parrot Snake(Leptophis ahaetulla) -juvenile Salmon belly racer (Mastigodryas melanlomus)X3 Blunt Headed Snake(Imantodes cenchoa)X7 Red Eye Tree Snake(Siphlophis compressus)X2 Garden Tree Boa(Corallus ruschenbergerii) Terceopelo(Bothrops asper)X4 Cloudy Snail Eater(Sibon nebulatus)X3 Cat Eye Snakes(Leptodeira septentrionalis)4+1 Coffee Sna...