
Why this Haunting Trail Camera Image took Social Media by Storm

Most people say..."What is it?" as they stare at the mythical looking cat-like creature.  Certain features look familiar and certain features look oddly out place.  Perhaps it was even photo shopped. What is it and where did the image originate? The image is of a not very well known wild cat called a Jaguarundi.  Officially, Puma yagouaroundi, Jaguarundi have been in the news lately when an Argentine teenage girl rescued a pair of feral cats from their road killed mother.   She named them Tito and Dani and they both turned out to be adorable Jaguarundi  kittens.  Read more about Dani and Tito here. Jaguarundi are just a bit larger than a large domestic house cat.  Their colors can vary from black to gray to tan or buff to an almost red fur coloration.  The Jaguarundi populations appear to be stable in most of their range. One of the reasons is that they lack a desirable pelt.  Their closest relative is the Cougar or Mountain Lio...

NEW YouTube Snake Videos from JULY 2019

Hello! We encountered over 60 individual snakes in our July visit to Costa Rica. Instead of writing a description of these snakes we recorded several snake videos that show how we found them and in what habitat. If you like this format.... then please comment in the video comment sections. For best viewing...view on YouTube...You may also subscribe to our Channel: Ocho Verde Wildlife Here is Part #1 which includes me unknowingly getting really close to a hidden Viper: In our second video...we discover a very large snake hiding in a log close to our house.  It is the very first of this species that we have found on our property.  We also were attacked by night bees as we were looking at an agitated Fer-de-Lance or Terciopelo (Bothrops asper) In part 3 we find a large blind snake with a giant tick and a rare Red Snake. Let us know if you liked the videos! Thanks

2018...Great Start to new year. January/February 2018

I found more of these Blunt Head Tree Snakes(Imantodes cenchoa) on this trip than any other species. The onset of the dry season usually signifies that snakes are more difficult to find.  The beginning of 2018 seemed to be an exception for us. We were in the Southern Zone of Costa Rica from January 4, until  February 19.  I walked the forest numerous times during the day placing the checking on and servicing the Camera Traps.  I also would spend 2-3 hours a night slowly walking trails near the house, observing what I could. Below is a breakdown of the snakes encountered. Vine snake(Oxybelis aenus) Parrot Snake(Leptophis ahaetulla) -juvenile Salmon belly racer (Mastigodryas melanlomus)X3 Blunt Headed Snake(Imantodes cenchoa)X7 Red Eye Tree Snake(Siphlophis compressus)X2 Garden Tree Boa(Corallus ruschenbergerii) Terceopelo(Bothrops asper)X4 Cloudy Snail Eater(Sibon nebulatus)X3 Cat Eye Snakes(Leptodeira septentrionalis)4+1 Coffee Sna...