Why this Haunting Trail Camera Image took Social Media by Storm

Most people say..."What is it?" as they stare at the mythical looking cat-like creature. Certain features look familiar and certain features look oddly out place. Perhaps it was even photo shopped. What is it and where did the image originate? The image is of a not very well known wild cat called a Jaguarundi. Officially, Puma yagouaroundi, Jaguarundi have been in the news lately when an Argentine teenage girl rescued a pair of feral cats from their road killed mother. She named them Tito and Dani and they both turned out to be adorable Jaguarundi kittens. Read more about Dani and Tito here. Jaguarundi are just a bit larger than a large domestic house cat. Their colors can vary from black to gray to tan or buff to an almost red fur coloration. The Jaguarundi populations appear to be stable in most of their range. One of the reasons is that they lack a desirable pelt. Their closest relative is the Cougar or Mountain Lio...